Biofeedback and Counseling, Inc. located in Ada, Oklahoma, offers individual, family and marital counseling services with the option of neurofeedback training. Whether you are 8 or 80, your brain can improve its ability to pay attention and develop more stability under stress. This is done with a remarkable biofeedback technique called neurofeedback. The services we offer are individually designed to aid both adults and children who struggle with attention spectrum disorders, anxiety/depression and a wide variety of stress-affected behavior disorders and physical health problems such as:
Focus/Learning Problems Downs Syndrome
Poor Impulse Control Mood Swings Developmental Disabilities Explosive Rage |
Cerebral Palsy Anxiety/Depression Hyperactivity Migraines Pain Management |
Bipolar Disorder
Traumatic Brain Injuries Sensory Issues Epilepsy Tic Disorder Panic Attacks |
At virtually any age, our services can teach your brain to produce healthier brain wave activity where it is needed and reduce symptoms that keep you from living your dreams.